Search code examples

MongoDB Aggregation pipeline inner array mapping

I am trying to perform a lookup operation between two collections like shown below,

first collection records:

field1: "FIELD",
title: "sometitle",
secondIds: [
   value: "nestedval1",
   secondId: "234
   value: "netedval2,
   secondId: "342"

Second collection record

 id: "234", 
 secvalue: "somevalue"
 id: "342",
 secvalue: "anothervalue"

I am trying to get the output in the below format for matching field1 name "FIELD" inside the first collection.

 field1: "FIELD",
 title: "sometitle",
 secondIds: [
   value: "nestedval1",
   secondId: "234",
   second: {
    id: "234",
    secvalue: "somevalue"
   value: "nestedval2",
   secondId: "342",
   second: {
    id: "342",
    secvalue: "anothervalue"


for aggregation pipeline after matching operation, I still stuck at how to create a lookup operation for retrieving the second collection entry mapped with the first. Can it possible to do it or do have any other way to achieve it?


  • firstCollection.aggregate([
      { $unwind: '$secondIds' },           // Lets first separate the secondIds to as different documents
        $lookup: {
          from: 'secondCollection',            // second collection name
          localField: 'secondIds.secondId',    // field in first collection after unwind
          foreignField: 'id',                  // field in second collection
          as: 'secondIds.second'               // field to attach values matched
      { $unwind: '$secondIds.second' },        // attached value after lookup will be an array, so let unwind to make it a object
      { $project: { 'secondIds.second._id': 0 } },  // remove _id
        $group: {
          _id: {                              // grouper fields
            field1: "$field1",
            title: "$title",
          secondIds: { $push: '$secondIds' } // group by pushing to an array
        $project: {                 // projection
          _id: 0,
          field1: '$_id.field1',
          title: "$_id.title",
          secondIds: 1

    Explanations are in the comments