What is the proper way to use endpoint DSL and then reference the endpoint with ProducerTemplate? When creating a route and using endpoint DSL, it seems that Camel is creating a different uri for the endpoint. My EndpointRouteBuilder class:
public class MyRoutes extends EndpointRouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
and then injecting the endpoint to ProducerTemplate
public class StateChangePublisher {
private ProducerTemplate producer;
public void publish(String str) {
try {
} catch(CamelExecutionException e) {
When camel starts, I see two entries in the log:
o.a.camel.component.seda.SedaEndpoint : Endpoint seda:STATUS_ENDPOINT is using shared queue: seda:STATUS_ENDPOINT with size: 1000
o.a.camel.component.seda.SedaEndpoint : Endpoint seda://STATUS_ENDPOINT is using shared queue: seda://STATUS_ENDPOINT with size: 1000
The queue eventually fills up and nothing gets delivered to the "to" endpoint. If I define the route without using the endpoint DSL method "seda()"
then it works. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I'm using camel 3.2.0 and
This was a bug in the endpoint dsl. Try upgrading to camel 3.3.0. I think it was fixed in the new release.