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The captions of my graph are overlapping. How can I fix this?

So I was plotting this code, but the text is overlapping. How can I fix this? enter image description here

mayors <- read.csv("")

mosaicplot(table(mayors$SIGLA_PARTIDO, mayors$DESCRICAO_SEXO), main = "Gender by party", color = "turquoise")

mosaicplot(table(mayors$SIGLA_PARTIDO, mayors$DESCRICAO_GRAU_INSTRUCAO), main = "Level of education by party", color = "plum")

enter image description here


  • You can control the direction of the axis labels with las =. You can also control the size of the text with cex.axis =.

    mosaicplot(table(mayors$SIGLA_PARTIDO, mayors$DESCRICAO_GRAU_INSTRUCAO),
               main = "Level of education by party",
               color = "plum",
               las = 2,
               cex.axis = 0.5)

    enter image description here