I have data record like this and I want update blank record from previous filled record enter image description here
ID L_nbr Code Descripton
t001 5 S001 ABCDE
t001 12 S002 FGHI
t001 15 JKM
t001 17 NOPE
t001 18 S003 RST
t001 19 UVW
t001 21 S004 ASDS34E
t001 24 GTUS
t001 27 UNIF
Expected data as below
ID L_nbr Code Descripton
t001 5 S001 ABCDE
t001 12 S002 FGHI
t001 15 S002 JKM
t001 17 S002 NOPE
t001 18 S003 RST
t001 19 S003 UVW
t001 21 S004 ASDS34E
t001 24 S004 GTUS
t001 27 S004 UNIF
please help me to acive the above result using Teradata
I don't think Aster supports the ignore null
s option on lag()
. So, you can do this in two steps. Define the "islands" by using a cumulative sum. Then spread the value around:
select t.*, max(code) over (partition by t_id, grp) as imputed_code
from (select t.*,
count(code) over (partition by t_id
order by l_nbr
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) as grp
from t
) t