I am trying to integrate Razorpay with my django application,
As suggested in their documentation I did,
pip install razorpay
and Now I'm trying to create an order by doing,
client = razorpay.Client(auth=("<key>", "<secret>"))
resp = client.order.create(amount=5000, currency='INR', receipt='TR110462011',
But I'm getting,
request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'amount'
I referred, request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'customer'
But it was not much of a help.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you for your suggestions.
According to their API documentation here you need to pass a dictionary.
So, you can just modify your code by wrapping your arguments in dict()
and it will work.
client = razorpay.Client(auth=("<key>", "<secret>"))
resp = client.order.create(dict(amount=5000, currency='INR', receipt='TR110462011', payment_capture='1'))