This is the basic work i have done with simple List Float
renderCoordinates : List Float -> Html Msg
renderCoordinates coordinates =
ol [ type_ "A"]
( (\coordinate -> li [] [text (String.fromFloat coordinate)]) coordinates)
When it comes to List (List(List Float))
and i am stuck. I am wonder if i can do it this way?
renderCoordinates : List (List(List Float)) -> Html Msg
renderCoordinates coordinates =
ol [ type_ "A"]
( ( (\coordinate -> li [] [text (String.fromFloat coordinate)]) ) coordinates)
-- ( ( (\coordinate -> li [] [text (String.fromFloat coordinate)]) ) ) coordinates doesnt work as well
Basically i wish to display each items in the list of List (List(List Float))
Any help is appreciate !
With the help of @Simon I made some modification of code to make it works like :
renderCoordinates : List (List (List Float)) -> Html Msg
renderCoordinates coordinates =
map1 : List (List (List Float)) -> List (Html Msg)
map1 lists =
List.concatMap map2 lists
map2 : List (List Float) -> List (Html Msg)
map2 floats = (\coordinate -> li [] [ text (Debug.toString coordinate) ]) floats
ol [ type_ "A" ]
(map1 coordinates)
This will print A: [X, Y]
You need to do it in parts and concat the results at each stage
renderCoordinates : List (List (List Float)) -> Html Msg
renderCoordinates coordinates =
map1 : List (List Float) -> List (Html Msg)
map1 lists =
L.concatMap map2 lists
map2 : List Float -> List (Html Msg)
map2 floats = (\coordinate -> li [] [ text (String.fromFloat coordinate) ]) floats
ol [ type_ "A" ]
(List.concatMap map1 coordinates)