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Syntax error when passing variable args in macro

I have a macro for libreoffice that takes in 2 arguments.

  1. A file path
  2. Variable args that are sheet names to look for.

I iterate over the document pertaining to the first arg and get the sheet that matches the first variable arg. I then convert that sheet to CSV.

Sub ExportToCsv(URL as String, ParamArray sheetNames() As Variant)
  Dim saveParams(1) as New
  saveParams(0).Name = "FilterName"
  saveParams(0).Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
  saveParams(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
  saveParams(1).Value = "44,34,0,1,1" ' 44=comma, 34=double-quote

  URL = ConvertToURL(URL)
  document = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromUrl(URL, "_blank", 0,  Array())

  baseName = Tools.Strings.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(document.GetURL(), "/")
  directory = Tools.Strings.DirectoryNameoutofPath(document.GetURL(), "/")

  sheets = document.Sheets
  sheetCount = sheets.Count
  Dim x as Integer
  Dim requiredSheetIndex as Integer
  For x = 0 to sheetCount -1
    sheet = sheets.getByIndex(x)
    sheet.isVisible = True
    For i = LBound(sheetNames) To UBound(sheetNames)
      If StrComp(sheet.Name, sheetNames(i), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        requiredSheetIndex = x
      End If

  currentSheet = document.GetCurrentController.GetActiveSheet()
  sheet = sheets(requiredSheetIndex)
  filename = directory + "/" + baseName + ".csv"
  fileURL = convertToURL(Filename)
  document.StoreToURL(fileURL, saveParams())
End Sub

Eg. ExportToCsv(<path>, 'Data'). Suppose the document has 4 sheets with the 3rd sheet as DATA, this sheet should be converted to CSV.

Previously I used to give the sheet idnex directly into the macro and it worked perfectly. But requirements changed and I have to pass in an array of possible names to match on. Hence the variable args.

But now I am getting a syntax error(Screenshot attached). I cant figure out what is wrong here.

Error screenshot


  • I believe it is complaining about the ParamArray keyword. After a little digging, I discovered you need to include:

    option compatible

    at the top of your module. For more information, you can refer to this link.