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Eclipse Milo: Does method support argument array?

OPCUA server have a method with one input argument e.g.

protected Variant[] invoke(InvocationContext invocationContext, Variant[] inputValues) {
        logger.debug("Invoking sqrt() method of objectId={}", invocationContext.getObjectId());

        double x = (double) inputValues[0].getValue();
        double xSqrt = Math.sqrt(x);

        return new Variant[]{new Variant(xSqrt)};

At the OPCUA client, can I call this method with array int? e.g.[1,4,9,16,25]

CallMethodRequest request = new CallMethodRequest(
            new Variant[]{new Variant(input)}

At here, the inputArguments is Variant array, can I set with [1,4,9,16,25] and get [1,2,3,4,5]?


  • No, it doesn't work that way.

    You can send 5 CallMethodRequests inside one CallRequest, though.