I am aware of the difference between import x
and from x import yyy
, in the latter case one can address x
-located functions by bare name, instead of full specification, and this exactly I want to do, I do not want to write full name every time.
Also I know how to redefine default Python dir on Windows so that it starts knowing my developed modules, and this is fine. However how to combine those two things altogether?
I want IDLE to get started knowing all functions from all my modules so I do not need to import them manually.
from * import *
i.e. for all modules in IDLE home directory?
P.S. I saw this question, however it puts solution only for one import and do not scan the whole dir, also this solution with shortcut parameters does not seem beautiful to me.
Are there any more neat ways?
If you start idle with -r file
it will first run the file, or with -s
, it will first run the file listed in the IDLESTARTUP
environmental variables. Then test by starting IDLE in command prompt with, for instance, py -m idlelib -r file
. Once this works, you could create on IDLE shortcut on your desktop (drag and drop from Start menu), open Properties, and add either of the above to the end of the 'Target'.