In code below I need to display in <h1>
a text depending on what props will be passed.
If props == "a"
text should be from text_a
, if props == "b"
text from text_b
const Header = (props) => {
const text_a = "Lorem ipsum dolor";
const text_b = "Lorem"
return (
<h1>{here should be a text from const}</h1>
I know that i can use ternary operator but I wondering if it possible to use template literals in this case something like that:
but in this case it dispaly literally "text_a" or "text_b" but not not what is assigned to the variable.
Thank for your help.
If I understand the question, you want to render depending on the values passed to props, something like:
const TEXT = {
text_a: "Lorem ipsum dolor",
text_b: "Lorem",
const Header = (props) => {
return <h1>{TEXT[props.text] || "Default Text"}</h1>;
// "Lorem ipsum dolor"
<Header text="text_a" />;