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Android NFC: How transceive method working with memory?

I have ntag213. I'm trying to understand how work blocks, sections of memory of my tag. I found project but cannot understand what is agruments for transceive method:

let text = this.state.text;
        let fullLength = text.length + 7;
        let payloadLength = text.length + 3;

        let cmd = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? NfcManager.sendMifareCommandIOS : NfcManager.transceive;

        resp = await cmd([0xA2, 0x04, 0x03, fullLength, 0xD1, 0x01]); // 0x0C is the length of the entry with all the fluff (bytes + 7)
        resp = await cmd([0xA2, 0x05, payloadLength, 0x54, 0x02, 0x65]); // 0x54 = T = Text block, 0x08 = length of string in bytes + 3

What it the arguments in every cmd?


  • You need to read Section 10 of the datasheet for the card e.g.

    Basically with the write command (the 0xA2 first byte of the array), then you need to give it the block address, in first command this is block 4 and then block 5 (note block 4 is the first one you can write to) and then the next 4 bytes of data (as you can only write one 4 byte block at once).

    So basically the commands are

    [Write Command, Block Address, Data1 Byte, Data2 Byte, Data3 Byte, Data4 Byte]

    So overall that code is encoding some text in a custom format to the card. Blocks 4 and 5 are header blocks for the custom format, then it writes the text in 4 byte chucks to blocks 6 onwards all with no checking that each write was a success (other than logging the response)

    Update: to answer question


    let currentPage = 6;
                let currentPayload = [0xA2, currentPage, 0x6E];
                for(let i=0; i<text.length; i++){
                    if (currentPayload.length == 6){
                        resp = await cmd(currentPayload);
                        currentPage += 1;
                        currentPayload = [0xA2, currentPage];

    This loop starts at the next free page after the headers (page/block 6)

    A valid transceive command is 6 bytes long as detailed before.

    It defines a currentPayload as partial command of 3 bytes long.
    Then it iterates over the text string in a loop adding characters one at a time until the transceive command reaches 6 bytes long and then sends it. After that it increases the page number and resets the base partial command to 2 bytes long.

    payload.length == 6 is how it detects a write command has all the data it can take ( 1 byte command + 1 byte address + 4 bytes data = 6 bytes in length)

    This is a method of splitting a variable length text string to fit in to multiple 6 byte write commands (which have 4 bytes of data).

    On further thought this possibly looks like it is trying to write a NDEF text record but I would need to check the NDEF spec in more detail to confirm it.