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Git (bitbucket) merge a previous commit to master

I have a develop branch (say at commit c) which is many commits ahead of master (say at commit a). But I forgot to push my production code (say at commit b) to master or to a separate branch.

Is it possible to push/merge my production code (i.e an earlier commit in develop branch) into master?

a (master branch)

a           b                   c (develop branch)
            (Need this commit               
            merged to master)

Edit: I don't want all the commits from develop merged/pushed to master, which is easy. I just want code up to a previous commit (not the last commit) to be merged to master. I have this code in a test server.


  • The solution for your problem is simply to merge everything up to the commit b into master.

    In your case the following command should to what you want to do:

    git checkout develop
    git rebase master # Always suggested to avoid unneeded merge c onflicts
    git checkout master
    git merge <commit-id of b>

    The small script below allows you to create a kind of a sandbox to play a little bit around with this scenario

    mkdir sandbox
    cd sandbox
    git init
    touch a.txt
    git add a.txt
    git commit -m "Added a.txt" a.txt
    git checkout -b develop
    touch b.txt
    git add b.txt
    git commit -m "Added b.txt" b.txt
    touch c.txt
    git add c.txt
    git commit -m "Added c.txt" c.txt
    git rebase master
    git checkout master