I want to install Eric with pip into a Linux environment set up with pyenv. The program works, but I can not see my packages. I can not see what the problem is.
Here is what I did
I add a new virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.9 default
pyenv activate default
pip install numpy
Now start Eric, start a program with the line import numpy
and you will get a ModuleFileNotFound
error. Programs with no external modules work fine.
The PyPI page will not show the same list for "default" than pip list
on the command line.
What could be the problem?
Eric-IDE is a great and fully open source environment for Python. It has stunningly comfortable and widely configurable features and offers a perfect workflow while being rather intuitive to use. Really a full blown IDE. Although I am not using QT (where it offers even more integration features) I am really glad to resolve this major show stopper I came across which was issues with pyenv. I found the solution for my problems and now can answer my own question. Maybe its useful for others.
Eric has 2 dialogs in the "extra" menu dealing with Virtual Envs and one PyPI Window where your can list the installed packages per virtual env.
The "Manager"
Logical Name pythonLegacy Directory /home/user/.pyenv/versions/pythonLegacy/lib/python2.7/site-packages Python Interpreter /home/user/.pyenv/versions/pythonLegacy/bin/python2.7 All options unchecked PATH Prefix <empty>
The "Configuration"
PS: I would hope more people start using this, so the default Ubuntu repositories would start upgrading the package. Currently it is not among the maintained ones.