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R optimisation buy sell

I need to find a solution to an optimisation problem. In my simplified example, I have a prediction of prices for the next year. I have inventory that can contain max 25 products. I can either sell or buy each month. I cannot buy more than 4 products or sell more than 8 products per month. I am looking for profit by buying for lower price than selling. Is there a package/function that can indicate when to buy and when to sell? The objective is to maximise the profit at the end of the period whilst maintaining set conditions (see the example below). A possible manual solution is provided as well. In the real application, there will be additional conditions such as that I need to maintain a certain level of inventory in winter or that the max buy/sell is dependent on the inventory level. E.g. if the inventory is high then you can sell more etc.


df <- tibble(
  date = ymd("2020-06-01") + months(0:11),
  price = c(12, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 17, 18, 16, 17, 13),
  total_capacity = 25,
  max_units_buy = 4,
  max_units_sell = 8)

# date             price          total_capacity max_units_buy  max_units_sell
#  1 2020-06-01    12             25             4              8
#  2 2020-07-01    11             25             4              8
#  3 2020-08-01    12             25             4              8
#  4 2020-09-01    13             25             4              8
#  5 2020-10-01    16             25             4              8
#  6 2020-11-01    17             25             4              8
#  7 2020-12-01    18             25             4              8
#  8 2021-01-01    17             25             4              8
#  9 2021-02-01    18             25             4              8
# 10 2021-03-01    16             25             4              8
# 11 2021-04-01    17             25             4              8
# 12 2021-05-01    13             25             4              8

df_manual_solution <- tibble(
  date = ymd("2020-06-01") + months(0:11),
  price = c(12, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 17, 18, 16, 17, 13),
  total_capacity = 25,
  max_units_buy = 4,
  max_units_sell = 8,
  real_buy = c(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0),
  real_sell = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 4, 0),
  inventory_level = cumsum(real_buy) - cumsum(real_sell),
  profit_loss = cumsum(real_sell*price) - cumsum(real_buy*price))

# date             price          total_capacity max_units_buy  max_units_sell real_buy real_sell inventory_level profit_loss
#  1 2020-06-01    12             25             4              8        4         0               4         -48
#  2 2020-07-01    11             25             4              8        4         0               8         -92
#  3 2020-08-01    12             25             4              8        4         0              12        -140
#  4 2020-09-01    13             25             4              8        4         0              16        -192
#  5 2020-10-01    16             25             4              8        4         0              20        -256
#  6 2020-11-01    17             25             4              8        4         0              24        -324
#  7 2020-12-01    18             25             4              8        0         8              16        -180
#  8 2021-01-01    17             25             4              8        0         8               8         -44
#  9 2021-02-01    18             25             4              8        0         8               0         100
# 10 2021-03-01    16             25             4              8        4         0               4          36
# 11 2021-04-01    17             25             4              8        0         4               0         104
# 12 2021-05-01    13             25             4              8        0         0               0         104


  • I believe this can be modeled as a small Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model.

    enter image description here

    Here is an implementation using CVXR:

    > library(CVXR)
    > # data
    > price = c(12, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 17, 18, 16, 17, 13)
    > capacity = 25
    > max_units_buy = 4
    > max_units_sell = 8
    > # number of time periods
    > NT <- length(price)
    > # Decision variables
    > inv = Variable(NT,integer=T)
    > buy = Variable(NT,integer=T)
    > sell = Variable(NT,integer=T)
    > # Lag operator
    > L = cbind(rbind(0,diag(NT-1)),0)
    > # optimization model
    > problem <- Problem(Maximize(sum(price*(sell-buy))),
    +                    list(inv == L %*% inv + buy - sell,
    +                         inv >= 0, inv <= capacity,
    +                         buy >= 0, buy <= max_units_buy,
    +                         sell >= 0, sell <= max_units_sell))
    > result <- solve(problem,verbose=T)
    GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v4.47
    84 rows, 36 columns, 119 non-zeros
    *     0: obj =  0.000000000e+000  infeas = 0.000e+000 (12)
    *    35: obj = -1.040000000e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (0)
    GLPK Integer Optimizer, v4.47
    84 rows, 36 columns, 119 non-zeros
    36 integer variables, none of which are binary
    Integer optimization begins...
    +    35: mip =     not found yet >=              -inf        (1; 0)
    +    35: >>>>> -1.040000000e+002 >= -1.040000000e+002   0.0% (1; 0)
    +    35: mip = -1.040000000e+002 >=     tree is empty   0.0% (0; 1)
    > cat("status:",result$status)
    status: optimal
    > cat("objective:",result$value)
    objective: 104
    > print(result$getValue(buy))
     [1,]    4
     [2,]    4
     [3,]    4
     [4,]    4
     [5,]    4
     [6,]    0
     [7,]    0
     [8,]    4
     [9,]    0
    [10,]    4
    [11,]    0
    [12,]    0
    > print(result$getValue(sell))
     [1,]    0
     [2,]    0
     [3,]    0
     [4,]    0
     [5,]    0
     [6,]    8
     [7,]    8
     [8,]    0
     [9,]    8
    [10,]    0
    [11,]    4
    [12,]    0
    > print(result$getValue(inv))
     [1,]    4
     [2,]    8
     [3,]   12
     [4,]   16
     [5,]   20
     [6,]   12
     [7,]    4
     [8,]    8
     [9,]    0
    [10,]    4
    [11,]    0
    [12,]    0