As I mentioned in the title I need to find the angle between nodes. I have a list of nodes with the ids of the nodes of a route. I have thought on doing it somehow using the 'x' and 'y' coordinates but I am not arriving at any conclusions. Also, I've been told about using 'bearings', but again I don't really know how to use it, hence I don't get the proper result.
(I am using Networkx and OSMnx)
Being id_src and id_dst the ids of two consecutive nodes:
G.edges[(id_src, id_dst, 0)]['bearing']
Import OSMnx
import osmnx as ox
Import the graph of Melbourne
G=ox.graph_from_address(address_name, distance=50)
Create nodes
and edges
geodataframes from the graph
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=True, edges=True)
Calculate edge bearings and make a pandas series out of them
import pandas as pd
G = ox.add_edge_bearings(G)
bearings = pd.Series([data['bearing'] for u, v, k, data in G.edges(keys=True, data=True)], name='bearing')
Concatenate the series with the edges
geodataframe to have the edge bearings in the same edges
edges = pd.concat([edges, bearings], axis=1)
print('Bearing between nodes '+str(edges['u'][0])+' and '+str(edges['v'][0])+' is '+str(edges['bearing'][0]))
Bearing between nodes 6167413263 and 6167441066 is 69.48
You may use the following function for calculation of bearings between any two nodes, although it does not entirely match up with the calculated bearings, but is fairly accurate.
def bearing(G,node1,node2):
import math
node1lat =[node1, 'y']
node1lon =[node1, 'x']
node2lat =[node2, 'y']
node2lon =[node2, 'x']
londiff = node2lon - node1lon
print('londiff: '+str(londiff))
latdiff = node2lat - node1lat
print('latdiff: '+str(latdiff))
if latdiff > 0 and londiff > 0: # Quadrant1
bearing = 90.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(latdiff,londiff))
elif latdiff < 0 and londiff > 0: #Qaudrant2
bearing = 90.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(latdiff,londiff))
elif latdiff < 0 and londiff < 0: #Qaudrant3
bearing = 90.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(latdiff,londiff))
elif latdiff > 0 and londiff < 0: #Qaudrant4
bearing = 450.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(latdiff,londiff))
return bearing