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How do I compile a Github Source Code/Repository to an apk file?

Good day,

I'm looking for help on recompiling a github source code/repository to an APK file.

I'm currently working on an app and I am using the Dolphin source code as a reference since its really organized and close enough of a reference to what I already have.

The format for my source code is basically like theirs as seen here:

I have no idea on how to compile those files to a signed or unsigned apk.

I tried using Android studio (v3.6.3) before but got lost on what to do and gave up for a week..... so now I'm looking for some help. I would like if someone could teach me the process, so I could practice converting the Dolphin github repository to an apk and then apply that knowledge to progress into creating an alpha build of my app for testing.

PS. I'm a bit new to coding and App creation (learning on my own right now, especially during the quarantine where I live) so I'd really appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance.


  • This one is written by C++/C. You cannot make it a APK. But instead you can write another app as a "wrapper application" to launch your C++/C project. By calling shell command or NDK.