I am having a problem with a TPL Dataflow mesh in my C#/WPF app. The first input item, (called a "Job"), always goes all the way through the chain to the final TPL block. But the remaining jobs never arrive at the final block (#4), even though log statements clearly show them successfully being returned from block #3
Here is the mesh. Set up once and stored in a private member of my View-Model class.
// 1. _meshStartBlock: On UI thread. This block always works fine.
_meshStartBlock = new TransformBlock<Job, Job>(job =>
Fire(_scanCapturedTrigger, job); // Notify sstate machine.
Log.Debug("Started: " + job.Name);
return job;
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
CancellationToken = TokenSource.Token,
TaskScheduler = UiTaskScheduler // Run on UI thread (because it edits
// our ObservableCollection)
// 2. createBlock: This block also always works fine.
var createBlock = new TransformBlock<Job, Job>(job =>
job.CreateScan(); // Saves some disk files
job.CreateThumbnail(true); // Creates and saves a thumbnail image.
Log.Debug("Created: " + job.Name);
return job;
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
{ CancellationToken = TokenSource.Token, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 });
// 3. processBlock - do heavy work in parallel
// This block succeeds for all 3 jobs but 2nd and 3rd returned jobs never
// reach the next block.
var processBlock = new TransformBlock<Job, Job>(job =>
Log.Debug("Processing: " + job.Name);
job.AlignImages(); // heavy image processing
job.Generate3d(); // heavy 3d math
job.FindShapes(); // more heavy match
job.GetContext().Scan.Save(); // save disk files
Log.Debug("Processing succeeded: " + job.Name
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error("Processing failed: " + job.Name);
Log.Debug("Leaving process block: " + job.Name);
return job;
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
{ CancellationToken = TokenSource.Token, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3 });
// 4. doneBlock: Cleans up.
// Since we schedule this on the UI thread it should not be heavy.
var doneBlock = new ActionBlock<Job>(job =>
// *** ONLY REACHED BY JOB 1 ***
Log.Debug("Done: " + job.Name);
Fire(Trigger.ScanProcessed); // Notify State Machine
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
{ CancellationToken = TokenSource.Token, TaskScheduler = UiTaskScheduler });
// Set up the mesh. Link the blocks together to form a chain.
return _meshStartBlock;
This is the log output I get
Started: Job1
Created: Job1
Started: Job2
Processing: Job1
Created: Job2
Processing: Job2
Started: Job3
Created: Job3
Processing: Job3
Processing succeeded: Job1
Leaving process block: Job1
Done: Job1
Processing succeeded: Job2
Leaving process block: Job2
Processing succeeded: Job3
Leaving process block: Job3
The Debug window does not report any exceptions during processing or dump error messages of any kind.
I should note that I am forced to run this in Release build. If I run a Debug build then that process block takes hours. Also the CancellationToken is never invoked
Can any TPL-Dataflow gurus tell me how I can diagnose what might be happening to Job2 and Job3? Is there anyway I can get TPL Dataflow to tell me what happened my Jobs?
It may help to attach error handlers to the blocks, to log the exceptions as soon as they happen. Here is an example of a simple generic error handler:
public static async void OnErrorLog(IDataflowBlock block)
await block.Completion.ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error($"{block.GetType().Name} failed", ex);
You can adapt it to your likings.
Usage example: