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How to smooth curve in UIBezierPath symmetrically

I am writing a custom component in Swift with UIBezierPath and I am facing difficulties to correctly find the control points to create a perfect path around a circle. Please have a look of the component below:

enter image description here

Please note that the circle is not following the yellow ball perfectly in the blue circle area, I tried to set the control points to the right position but they are not resulting a good result:

enter image description here

The function used to describe the path above is partially this:

//private let MAGIC_NUMBER: CGFloat = 0.552284749831
private let MAGIC_NUMBER: CGFloat = 0.5


let secondPointEnd: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: middleLeft.x + ballRadius/2, y: middleLeft.y + ballRadius/2)

    to: secondPointEnd,
    controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: firstPointEnd.x, y: secondPointEnd.y - (ballRadius * MAGIC_NUMBER)),
    controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: firstPointEnd.x, y: secondPointEnd.y))

let thirdPointStart: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: secondPointEnd.x + ballRadius/2, y: secondPointEnd.y - ballRadius/2)
    to: thirdPointStart,
    controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: thirdPointStart.x, y: secondPointEnd.y),
    controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: thirdPointStart.x, y: secondPointEnd.y - (ballRadius * MAGIC_NUMBER)))

For the full source code (Playground):

I tried to fix it with multiple configurations, I had no success so far, I also tried to apply the magic number 0.552284749831 but it makes it worse. Am I missing some control point configuration? Is there any invalid control point there?

Could you guys please help me to find what is wrong with this bezier path?



With help from @Bob, I was able to complete the UIBezierPath like he described:


  • I wouldn’t recommend rendering the circular bit with beziers. They’re extremely close, but not spot on. It’s fine approximation for corner rounding of a rectangle (or any polygon), but for a true circular portion of the path you should use addArc(withCenter:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:).

    You can use beziers leading into and out of the arc, if you want, but for the circular portion, use an arc. E.g. see