I have a table of lookup values with patterns to look for and replacements, but the patterns have strings containing one another and I want to match them exactly.
lookup <- tibble(
pattern = c("ONE", "ONET", "ONETR"),
replacement = c("one new", "this is 2", "for 3")
other_table <- tibble(
strings = c(
"I want to replace ONE",
"Or ONET is what to change",
"We can change ONE again",
"ONETR also can be replaced"
other_dat = 1:4
I've tried using stringi
but this doesn't work when the patterns contain one another.
other_table %>%
strings = stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
pattern = lookup$pattern,
replacement = lookup$replacement,
vectorize_all = FALSE)
What function can I use to replace all the patterns found in in_table$strings
with lookup$replacement
strings other_dat
<chr> <int>
1 I want to replace one new 1
2 Or this is 2 is what to change 2
3 We can change one new again 3
4 for 3 also can be replaced 4
Any help appreciated!
Use word-boundaries in your regex (not fixed), e.g., "\\b"
other_table %>%
strings = stringi::stri_replace_all(
regex = paste0("\\b", lookup$pattern, "\\b"),
replacement = lookup$replacement,
vectorize_all = FALSE)
# # A tibble: 4 x 2
# strings other_dat
# <chr> <int>
# 1 I want to replace one new 1
# 2 Or this is 2 is what to change 2
# 3 We can change one new again 3
# 4 for 3 also can be replaced 4