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React Native App Stuck On Jetify in dev mode

I'm trying to migrate my app on 0.60, but it keeps getting stuck on jetify process.

Basically, after this line:

info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX. You can disable it using "--no-jetifier" flag.

It's just stuck and does nothing. And I need jetifier for react-native-firebase and some other native libraries. Any suggestions?


It seems the problem is in symlinks. I'm using Lerna.


  • In the end what I did was rewriting a jetify specifying which modules I need to jetify.

    My jetify index.js:

    const {fork} = require('child_process');
    const {join} = require('path');
    const {getClassesMapping, readDir, chunk} = require('./src/utils');
    const cpus = require('os').cpus().length;
    const arg = process.argv.slice(2)[0];
    const mode = arg && (arg === 'reverse' || arg === '-r') ? 'reverse' : 'forward';
    const SEARCH_DIRS = [
      ........modules here
    const classesMapping = getClassesMapping();
    for (const SEARCH_DIR of SEARCH_DIRS) {
      const files = readDir(SEARCH_DIR);
        `Jetifier found ${
        } file(s) to ${mode}-jetify. Using ${cpus} workers...`,
      for (const filesChunk of chunk(files, cpus)) {
        const worker = fork(join(__dirname, 'src', 'worker.js'));
        worker.send({filesChunk, classesMapping, mode});

    And postinstall in package.json:

    "postinstall": "cp ./jetify.js ./node_modules/jetifier/index.js"