I have a set of list and the list contains repeated items. for example tag_data = ['a','b','c','d','c','a','f','b','a'] etc.... Now I have to use neo4j database and py2neo to store these list items. So I tried
graph = Graph("http://......./db/data")
graph.schema.create_uniqueness_constraint('Zigzag', 'tagName')
for i,tags in enumerate(tag_data):
var_tag = "tag"+str(i)
var_tag = Node("Zigzag",tagName=tags)
When I tried the below code I dont see the uniqueness in the graph. So I tried to use find and find_one method to get the uniqueness. But I am getting an error find and find_one are not the graph method.
I referred some of the links in stackoverflow and I tried match and merge that is also not working
for i,tags in enumerate(tag_data):
var_tag = "tag"+str(i)
matcher = NodeMatcher(graph)
m = matcher.match("Zigzag",tags).first()
if m is None:
var_tag = Node("Zigzag",tagName=tags)
with merge
for i,tags in enumerate(tag_data):
var_tag = "tag"+str(i)
How do I create the unique nodes in neo4j(4.0.3) and py2neo.
Assuming tags are labelled only by their name, here is a working example using graph.merge
from py2neo:
from py2neo import Graph, Node
graph = Graph("....")
tags = ['a','b','c','d','c','a','f','b','a']
for tag in tags:
n = Node("Zigzag", tagName=tag) # create node object
graph.merge(n, "Zigzag", "tagName") # merge node into graph using Zigzag as primary label and tagName property as primary key
So, if a node with label "Zigzag" and the same "tagName" property already exists, it won't be created again, otherwise, the node is created.
If you add a print at the end of the loop:
print(tag, n)
You will see that all nodes with the same "tagName" have the same ID:
a (_4:Zigzag {tagName: 'a'})
b (_5:Zigzag {tagName: 'b'})
c (_6:Zigzag {tagName: 'c'})
d (_7:Zigzag {tagName: 'd'})
c (_6:Zigzag {tagName: 'c'})
a (_4:Zigzag {tagName: 'a'})
f (_8:Zigzag {tagName: 'f'})
b (_5:Zigzag {tagName: 'b'})
a (_4:Zigzag {tagName: 'a'})