I would like to log in a production system the current memory usage of a Python script. AWS has Container Insights, but they are extremely well-hidden and I'm not sure how to use them properly within other dashboards / logging- and altering systems. Also, I'm not certain if the log peak memory at all.
The Python script is the production system. It is running on AWS within a Docker container and I ran into issues with a previous approach (link).
tracemalloc seems to be able to to give me the information I want:
# At the start of the script
import tracemalloc
# script running...
# At the end
current, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
logger.info(f"Current memory usage is {current / 10**6} MB")
logger.info(f"Peak memory usage was {peak / 10**6} MB")
However, the docs state:
The tracemalloc module is a debug tool
So would it be a bad idea to wrap this around production code? How much overhead is it? Are there other reasons not to use that in production?
(I have a pretty good idea of which parts of the code need most memory and where the peak memory is reached. I want to monitor that part (or maybe rather the size of those few objects / few lines of code). The alternative to tracemalloc seems to be to use something like this)
I've been trying to answer the same question. The best answer I've found is from
which quotes a factor of 3-4 increase memory usage with tracemalloc based on a simple experiment.