I am using py2neo
to run a Cypher query in Python. Currently, I am passing the values of $user_id
and $name
query = "MATCH (user:User{id:$user_id, name: $name}) MATCH (user)-[rout]->() WITH user, collect(DISTINCT {relationship: type(rout), node: endNode(rout)}) AS extended_info RETURN { user: user, extended_info: extended_info } AS result"
graph.run(query, parameters= {"user_id": 1, "name": "Vivek"}).data()
Instead of just passing the values, I want to pass a dictionary of key and value. Something like this:
{id:1, name: "Vivek"}
And use it directly in the query. This will provide me with the flexibility to write a single query for filtering for one or multiple properties.
query = "MATCH (user:User{$params}) MATCH (user)-[rout]->() WITH user, collect(DISTINCT {relationship: type(rout), node: endNode(rout)}) AS extended_info RETURN { user: user, extended_info: extended_info } AS result"
graph.run(query, parameters= {id:1, name: "Vivek"}).data()
Is there a way to do it using py2neo
? Or is there any other way to write a single query for a match query?
If you can, one solution is to build the query dynamically using string formatting:
First try to create a query with properties.
query = "MATCH (u:User {{ {properties} }}) RETURN u.name"
will be replaced by string formating, while the {{ ... }}
will be converted to single brackets {..}
during string formating.
Define your paramters: warning remember that in python, dictionnary keys must be string (well, not only, but in this case yes)
parameters = {"id": 1, "name": "Toto"}
Create the properties list for py2neo:
properties = ', '.join('{0}: ${0}'.format(n) for n in parameters)
Format your query:
query2 = query.format(properties=properties)
now look like this:
MATCH (u:User { id: $id, name: $name }) RETURN u.name
Finally, you can run query2
with parameters:
r = graph.run(query2, parameters=parameters)
Note that we could have fully formatted the string to inject the parameters there, but I prefer to let py2neo perform the necessary checks there.