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Propagating W3C trace context over MassTransit publisher/consumer

'm trying to support propagating the W3C trace context traceId and spanId properties from http calls -> publisher -> consumer -> http call within MassTransit (just so they show up in the logs/seq for now, but we're using Dynatrace), but am I couldn't find anything out-of-the-box here:

If there is nothing available I'll probably try to create something myself based on these articles:

I could find this one as an example for OpenTracing:

And this as a reference for NServiceBus:

Unless anyone can suggest something that already exists?


  • I'm the author of the MassTransit.OpenTracing library you referenced, but I wrote it prior to the W3C recommendation, which looks to be quite recent (Feb 6, 2020).

    My goal was that I wanted distributed tracing through a microservice architecture that had both synchronous/HTTP as well as asynchronous message broker communications. For the HTTP stuff I was using OpenTracing.Contrib.NetCore, which 'uses .NET's DiagnosticSource to instrument its code'. For the asynchronous message broker communications, I was using RabbitMQ with MassTransit, but I didn't really understand the MassTransit DiagnosticSource approach suggested on the website (and nor could I find any examples), so I decided to get into the nuts and bolts a bit and roll my own.

    Long story short, it all worked as expected using Jaeger as the tracer. Interestingly, we (as in the company I work for) decided to also use DynaTrace, which operates at a much lower level and kind of removes the need for handling a lot of this stuff in code. That said, the approach is not invalid (IMO), as not everyone can afford DynaTrace (or similar APM tools).

    I'll try to upgrade this library with the W3C recommendation in the coming week or 2. Let me know if you want to help with contribution/review (or if you want to go off in a different direction and roll your own is also fine)...