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Script to calculate and extract results using bash loops and AWK in a hierarchical directory structure

I have the following structure with certain files of interest, on which I have to do calculation/ arithmetic operations using .

$ mkdir DP1/postProcessing/0/ DP2/postProcessing/0/ DP3/postProcessing/0/;
$ touch DP1/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress.dat DP1/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress_0.02.dat DP2/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress_0.dat DP2/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress_0.1.dat DP3/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress_0.05.dat DP3/postProcessing/0/wallShearStress_0.000012.dat

$ tree masterDir/
├── DP1
│   └── postProcessing
│       └── 0
│           ├── wallShearStress_0.02.dat
│           └── wallShearStress.dat
├── DP2
│   └── postProcessing
│       └── 0
│           ├── wallShearStress_0.1.dat
│           └── wallShearStress_0.dat
└── DP3
    └── postProcessing
        └── 0
            ├── wallShearStress_0.000012.dat
            ├── wallShearStress_0.05.dat
            └── wallShearStress.dat

Expected output

DP     File_processed               Ouput_value #Optional header
DP1    wallShearStress_0.02.dat          <some result using AWK>  
DP2    wallShearStress_0.1.dat        <some result using AWK>  
DP3    wallShearStress_0.05.dat     <some result using AWK>

My (very basic) attempt failed where the script only returns files three times for the last directory found:

$ for i in $(find -type d -name "DP*"); do
>     for j in $(find . -type f -name "wallShearStress*" | tail -n 1); do
>         echo $j;
>         awk 'NR == 3 {print $0}' $j; # this just for example ...
>         # but I wanna do something more here, but no issue with that
>         # once I can get the proper files into AWK.
>     done;
> done;

Problem definition: I want to,

  • First, find in each directory, the file named wallShearStress*.dat. where,
  • the file of interest should be with the highest number at the ending. (To clarify, there are multiple wallShearStress*.dat files present in a directory, e.g. for DP3 only DP3\postProcessing\0\wallShearStress_0.05.dat should be chosen for processing as it has higher precedence than DP3\postProcessing\0\wallShearStress.dat, similarly only DP1\postProcessing\0\wallShearStress_0.02.dat and DP2\postProcessing\0\wallShearStress_0.1.dat should be chosen)
  • Do arithmetic operations with awk on the chosen wallShearStress*.dat, for each directory and output in the masterDir as a .txt/.csv file as follow:


  • What's wrong with the approach?
  • Any better approach? (keep in mind that issue is with getting the proper files, not AWK).

I prefer + (since it's easier for me to understand than if someone comes up with other programming languages). Thank you so much for your time!


  • You could just use a for loop for the parent directories and use find for the subdirectories. If your sort has the -V flag use that.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    for d in masterDir/DP*/; do
      find "$d" -type f -name 'wallShearStress*'| sort -Vk2 -t.| head -n1

    To loop through the output you can use a while read loop.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    while IFS= read -r files; do
      echo Do something with "$files"
    done < <(for d in masterDir/DP*/; do find "$d" -type f -name 'wallShearStress*'| sort -Vk2 -t.| head -n1; done )

    Another option as per OP's request

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    for d in masterDir/DP*/; do
      while IFS= read -r files; do
        echo Do something with "$files"
      done < <(find "$d" -type f -name 'wallShearStress*'| sort -Vk2 -t.| head -n1)
    • -t, --field-separator=SEP use SEP instead of non-blank to blank transition sorting using the . as field separator.

    • The <() Is Process Substitution, it is some sort of a file, a named pipe to be exact see the output of ls -l <(:), and in order to read from a file you need the < redirection sign and it needs to be separated from <( ) otherwise you will get an error.