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Constrained optimization over a grid while maintaining proportions

Suppose I have a user/item grid like this:

         item_1  item_2
user_1    v_11    v_12
user_2    v_21    v_22
user_3    v_31    v_32

Where each user/item pair has a value, as captured in the grid. The goal is to assign exactly one item to each user, so as to maximize the sum of the values.

But also, "prior" proportions must be maintained. For example, if in the past item_1 was assigned to 2 out of 3 users and item_2 was assigned to only 1 user, going forward we either have to have:

  1. item_1 gets assigned to 2 out of 3 users (could be different users than in the past!), and item_2 gets assigned to the remaining user, OR

  2. item_2 gets assigned to 2 out of 3 users, and item_1 gets assigned to the remaining user

Neither item may be assigned to every user. This is what is meant by "maintaining" proportions. How should I approach a problem like this analytically? What about programmatically in Python? Please let me know if I can clarify further. Assume we know all the values (the v's). Thank you.


  • Let me give this a try.

    I assume we have the following data set with 10 items and 20 users:

    ----     23 SET i  items
    item1 ,    item2 ,    item3 ,    item4 ,    item5 ,    item6 ,    item7 ,    item8 ,    item9 ,    item10
    ----     23 SET j  users
    user1 ,    user2 ,    user3 ,    user4 ,    user5 ,    user6 ,    user7 ,    user8 ,    user9 ,    user10,    user11
    user12,    user13,    user14,    user15,    user16,    user17,    user18,    user19,    user20
    ----     23 PARAMETER x0  initial allocations
                 user1       user2       user3       user4       user5       user6       user7       user8       user9
    item1                                                                                                            1
    item2            1
    item3                                                            1           1
    item4                                                1                                   1
    item6                                    1
    item9                        1                                                                       1
         +      user10      user11      user12      user13      user14      user15      user16      user17      user18
    item2                                                                        1                       1
    item3                                                                                                            1
    item6            1                       1
    item7                                                                                    1
    item8                                                            1
    item10                       1                       1
         +      user19      user20
    item5                        1
    item7            1
    ----     23 PARAMETER n  sum initial allocations
    item1  1,    item2  3,    item3  3,    item4  2,    item5  1,    item6  3,    item7  2,    item8  1,    item9  2
    item10 2
    ----     23 PARAMETER v  values
                 user1       user2       user3       user4       user5       user6       user7       user8       user9
    item1        4.237       4.163       2.183       2.351       6.302       8.478       3.077       6.992       7.983
    item2        4.720       2.059       3.828       1.419       4.047       2.639       6.812       6.047       7.930
    item3        1.655       2.581       5.731       7.752       2.603       1.307       6.266       6.591       4.504
    item4        2.818       1.046       3.427       5.499       2.362       2.568       3.976       3.852       3.899
    item5        1.463       1.054       4.611       5.679       6.660       3.032       4.565       3.484       2.371
    item6        1.915       4.455       3.917       2.729       2.011       6.369       5.603       1.406       8.048
    item7        9.880       3.053       7.081       7.991       9.392       2.811       3.674       2.775       3.217
    item8        8.612       6.514       9.784       1.242       2.687       1.784       5.864       2.142       7.606
    item9        1.222       2.600       1.552       1.150       8.521       6.415       1.243       2.765       9.556
    item10       9.395       4.139       1.075       9.540       6.147       4.003       9.854       7.898       1.991
         +      user10      user11      user12      user13      user14      user15      user16      user17      user18
    item1        3.733       1.994       5.521       2.442       8.852       3.386       3.572       6.346       7.504
    item2        3.680       6.950       7.802       6.647       3.555       1.778       1.923       6.771       5.908
    item3        4.228       3.187       3.218       2.175       9.401       4.419       8.051       3.700       2.129
    item4        9.676       9.942       4.329       4.356       7.948       4.570       9.218       2.076       7.619
    item5        9.427       4.804       2.212       4.475       4.372       3.416       9.535       2.700       3.678
    item6        9.512       6.368       6.466       4.263       6.347       7.119       5.559       2.433       6.912
    item7        6.818       7.615       1.769       2.353       4.908       2.682       7.234       7.867       2.393
    item8        2.019       5.395       8.160       5.428       5.802       1.096       5.895       5.060       9.778
    item9        4.020       6.348       3.333       6.766       2.397       5.140       4.540       8.249       5.869
    item10       9.953       6.223       2.498       6.790       4.099       9.211       9.101       1.146       4.318
         +      user19      user20
    item1        6.654       5.174
    item2        1.284       8.131
    item3        7.740       1.623
    item4        1.499       6.187
    item5        1.671       4.612
    item6        5.715       2.120
    item7        4.504       7.259
    item8        2.655       2.472
    item9        4.516       6.020
    item10       6.979       6.340
    ----     23 PARAMETER z0                   =       97.192  initial total value

    The problem is to find a new assignment of items to users x(i,j) with:

    • each user receives exactly one item.
    • the total number of each item is a permutation of the original number of each item. So if we have 3 items and the totals were 1,2,3 then we can have now 3,2,1 (or any other permutation of 1,2,3).

    For this we define two binary variables:

     x(i,j) = 1  if user j receives item i
              0  otherwise
     p(i,k) : a permuted identity matrix

    We this we can develop the following Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model:

    enter image description here

    This is a simple MIP model that can be solved with any MIP solver. The optimal solution looks like:

    ----     49 VARIABLE x.L  
                 user1       user2       user3       user4       user5       user6       user7       user8       user9
    item1                                                                        1                       1
    item7            1                                               1
    item8                        1           1
    item9                                                                                                            1
    item10                                               1                                   1
         +      user10      user11      user12      user13      user14      user15      user16      user17      user18
    item2                                    1
    item3                                                            1
    item4                        1
    item5                                                                                    1
    item6            1
    item8                                                                                                            1
    item9                                                1                                               1
    item10                                                                       1
         +      user19      user20
    item2                        1
    item3            1
    ----     49 VARIABLE z.L                   =      176.058  
    ----     54 PARAMETER sumitems  sum new allocations
    item1  2,    item2  2,    item3  2,    item4  1,    item5  1,    item6  1,    item7  2,    item8  3,    item9  3
    item10 3

    The last vector sumitems is a permutation of the vector n of our data set.

    We see the objective value of this optimal solution is 176.058 which is much better than the value of our initial (random) data set (97.192).