I have a mongo collection with documents with the following structure:
"_id": ObjectId("5db82cd948d57f69b83b5e59"),
"sensor": {
"_id": "123123",
"type": "typeA"
"Object": {
"_id": "lkj123",
"type": "typeB"
I need to export all documents for a list of sensor id's, but the corresponding sensor types are not included.
The following would work for 2 documents, but this would require me to first look up the corresponding types and the list of sensor id's are too long to do this manually.
mongoexport --uri="<MY-CONNECTION-STRING>" --collection="<MY-COLLECTION>" --out=MY-EXPORT.json -q="{$or:[{sensor:{_id : '123', type:'typeA'}},{sensor:{_id : 'abc', type:'typeB'}}]}"
I have tried to use wildcards for the sensor types, but I couldn't get it working properly.
How can I create a working query that allows me to just copy past the sensorid's in to do the trick?
Thanks in advance!
Your query will work when you only pass sensor id, just pass them in this format
mongoexport --uri="<MY-CONNECTION-STRING>" --collection="<MY-COLLECTION>" --out=MY-EXPORT.json -q="{$or:[{'sensor._id':'123'},{'sensor._id':'abc'}]}"
And if you have all the sensor's id in an array, I would prefer to use $in like below,
mongoexport --uri="<MY-CONNECTION-STRING>" --collection="<MY-COLLECTION>" --out=MY-EXPORT.json -q="{'sensor._id': {$in: ['123', 'abc']}}"
Both examples will work for you