I have a simple program which starts a thread. As an argument to the thread I pass a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate. Till here all good. Now When I start the thread, I need to pass it a required object, but suprisingly it all works well without giving it any object! How come?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(F1));
thread.Start(); //Why does it work with out passing any argument?
public static void F1(object obj)
The program prints Hello, and I expected to get an error.
You need to call the Thread.Start overload that takes a paramete: Eg:
thread.Start("Hello world");
The Start method you are calling will cause null
to be passed to the thread function:
If this overload is used with a thread created using a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, null is passed to the method executed by the thread.