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Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch~=1.4.0 (from syft) (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)

I get the above error while installing syft package through Anaconda command. I followed the below link exactly as is,

Following commands were used:

conda create -n pysyft python=3
conda activate pysyft
pip install syft

Some of the links suggested to update the Pytorch version. I have 1.5.0+cpu version already and updating didnt help. I also tried using pip install syft without creating a conda environment, that didnt solve the problem either. I went through the below stackoverflow link too which explains similar error, but it didnt help either: Issues installing PyTorch 1.4 - "No matching distribution found for torch===1.4.0"

Any advice? Thanks in advance


  • Not all PyTorch versions are available on Python's package registry PyPI. For instance, the CPU only version or any Windows version is only available on PyTorch's custom registry. Selecting one of these versions on PyTorch - Get Started Locally will give you an installation command including the custom registry. Installing PySyft also installs PyTorch and the specific version you're getting, requires adding the custom registry:

    pip install syft -f

    You might need to add --user if you don't have write access to the system wide package location.