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How to Expand only one item in collapsible list with NativeScript

I have built a RadListview with nativescript. But now I want that if I tap on an item then only that item should open and other Expanded items should close. I followed this Creating a collapsible list with NativeScript and it works, I just need one item expanding at a time enter image description here

thank you

export class RoadComponent {
    public roads: Array<any>;

    constructor(private page:Page,private router: Router, private roadService: RoadService,private back:BackendService) {
    async ngOnInit() {
        this.roads = await this.roadService.getRoads();
      templateSelector(item: any, index: number, items: any): string {
        return item.expanded ? "expanded" : "default";
      onItemTap(event: ListViewEventData) {
        var listView = event.object as RadListView,
            rowIndex = event.index,
            dataItem = event.view.bindingContext;
            dataItem.expanded = !dataItem.expanded;           listView.androidListView.getAdapter().notifyItemChanged(rowIndex);

            <RadListView multipleSelection="false" id="abc" height="100%" [items]="roads" [itemTemplateSelector]="templateSelector" class="list-group" (itemTap)="onItemTap($event)">
              <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
              <StackLayout  id="abc" orientation="vertical">
             <Label text="{{}}" class="list-group-item">
          <ng-template   tkTemplateKey="expanded" let-item="item">
            <GridLayout  rows="auto,auto" columns="*,*" class="list-group-item add-dropdown">
              <Label   row="0" col="0" text="{{}}" class="list-group-item"></Label>
              <Button  row="1" col="0" text="{{}}" (tap)="navigatetomap(" [nsRouterLink]="['/accueil', { outlets: { homeoutlet: ['home'] } }]"></Button>
              <Button  row="1" col="1" text="{{}}"></Button>



  • if anyone had this issue just make expanded property false to all the items

    onItemTap(event: ListViewEventData) {
        for(let i=0;i<this.roads.length;i++){    
        var listView = event.object as RadListView,
            rowIndex = event.index,
            dataItem = event.view.bindingContext;
            dataItem.expanded = !dataItem.expanded;