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How to use Google mirror for Maven Central as a direct link to download an artifact/jar?

I am using a shell script to download a number of jar files from maven central repo using direct links (e.g. - this link). I read on a couple of sources that Google hosts a publicly available copy of all the Maven Central artifacts and using it instead of Maven Central provides significant speed up in terms of download speed.

However, to achieve this I could only find out the Maven settings.xml references for using Google mirror (like below):

      <name>GCS Maven Central mirror Asia Pacific</name>

But this doesn't solve my purpose. I am looking for direct download links to be used in a shell script and not in a maven project. How to do that?


  • I found the answer to my question. It was easy, you just need to replace the host in the complete URL of the artifact/jar from maven central to google mirror. The structure of the URL looks like:

    <HOST><Path to artifact>

    Host can assume values of either the maven central repo host or of any mirror for the maven repo.


    • If downloading from Maven Central, use:

    • If downloading from Asia Pacific Google Mirror of Maven Central, use:

    • If downloading from EU region Google Mirror of Maven Central, use:

    • If downloading from Americas region Google Mirror of Maven Central, use: