I was using Xcode "Product > Analyze" to find the localizability issue, but in Xcode 11.4, after analyzing, Xcode shows no issue at all. But I'm certain that there are quite a few issues out there.
I tried to set "Analyze During 'Build'" to YES, but nothing changed
I'm using Xcode 11.4 and swift 5.0
Does anyone have any ideas?
I do not know what you think you mean by “localizability issue,” but this much is certain: you’re barking up the wrong tree. Xcode’s Analyze feature is for Objective-C only. In Swift it does nothing! If you want to trace issues with your code, just compile it. If your code doesn’t have any compile time issues, then you need to use the various scheme based runtime tools, UI testing, and so forth, to track down whatever you think is wrong.