I have set up application insights for asp.net core project.
"ApplicationInsights": {
"InstrumentationKey": "90f786b7-36a5-xxxx-b1fc-xxxxxxxxx"
And in my controller I can now log:
I cant find any information on how to set CustomDemensions. I can see on the overloads there is an object array but not sure if that if for customdimensions. Any pointers?
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "user_name","ivan"},{ "mycity","new york"} };
using (_logger.BeginScope(dict))
_logger.LogInformation("this is a test message for testing purpose 456");
Original answer:
For example, if you want to add the 2 properties city / user in customDimentions, please use the code below in the controller:
string city = "london";
string user = "jack";
_logger.LogInformation("{user} sends a message from {city}", user, city);
Then in azure portal -> application insights logs: