learning keras and cnn in general, so tried to implement a network i found in a paper, in it there is a parallel convolution layer of 3 convs where each conv apply a different filter on the input, here how i tried to solve it:
inp = Input(shape=(32,32,192))
conv2d_1 = Conv2D(
filters = 32,
kernel_size = (1, 1),
strides =(1, 1),
activation = 'relu')(inp)
conv2d_2 = Conv2D(
filters = 64,
kernel_size = (3, 3),
strides =(1, 1),
activation = 'relu')(inp)
conv2d_3 = Conv2D(
filters = 128,
kernel_size = (5, 5),
strides =(1, 1),
activation = 'relu')(inp)
out = Concatenate([conv2d_1, conv2d_2, conv2d_3])
model.add(Model(inp, out))
-this gives me the following err : A Concatenate layer requires inputs with matching shapes except for the concat axis....etc
input_shape = inp
in every Conv2D function, now it gives me Cannot iterate over a tensor with unknown first dimension.
ps : the paper writers implemented this network with caffe, the input to this layer is (32,32,192) and the output after the merge is (32,32,224).
Unless you add the padding to match the array shapes, Concatenate
will not be able to match them. Try running this
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, Concatenate
inp = Input(shape=(32,32,192))
conv2d_1 = Conv2D(
filters = 32,
kernel_size = (1, 1),
strides =(1, 1),
padding = 'SAME',
activation = 'relu')(inp)
conv2d_2 = Conv2D(
filters = 64,
kernel_size = (3, 3),
strides =(1, 1),
padding = 'SAME',
activation = 'relu')(inp)
conv2d_3 = Conv2D(
filters = 128,
kernel_size = (5, 5),
strides =(1, 1),
padding = 'SAME',
activation = 'relu')(inp)
out = Concatenate()([conv2d_1, conv2d_2, conv2d_3])
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inp, outputs=out)