I have a DataFrame
| id| titulo |tipo | formacion |
|32084|A | Material | VION00001 TRADE |
|32350|B | Curso | CUS11222 LEADER|
|32362|C | Curso | ITIN9876 EVALUA|
|32347|D | Curso | CUMPLI VION1234 |
|32036|E | Curso | EVAN1111 INFORM|
I need, that into formacion column remove the characters that start with VION|CUS|ITIN|VION|EVAN so Dataframe looks like
| id| titulo |tipo | formacion |
|32084|A | Material | TRADE |
|32350|B | Curso | LEADER |
|32362|C | Curso | EVALUA |
|32347|D | Curso | CUMPLI |
|32036|E | Curso | INFORM |
Thank you for your help
Use split
function to split the column by space
then get the last element of array.
use element_at
functionSpark < 2.4
use reverse(split(array))[0]
#using element_at
#or using array_index
#split reverse and get first index value
#| id|titulo |tipo | formacion |
#|32084|A | Material | TRADE |
#|32350|B | Curso | LEADER |
#|32362|C | Curso | EVALUA |
#|32347|D | Curso | CUMPLI |
#|32036|E | Curso | INFORM |