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SciPy's trust-constr is ignoring my constraints

I am doing some statistics-related optimization. I am trying to use scipy's minimize. However, the solution that it gives me is not feasible. My code is

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint
from math import e

def get_expectation(f,mu):

def get_neg_subgaus_coeff(f,mu):
    return -(e**((f/10)**2)).dot(mu)

def grad_neg_subgaus_coeff(f,mu):
    return -(2*e**((f/10)**2)*f)*mu

 def my_mu(n):
    return 1/(np.abs((np.arange(n)-n//2))+1)**2

def get_constraints(n):
    constr_list = []
    for i in range(n-1):

        constr = lambda f: f[i]- f[i+1]
        constr_list.append(NonlinearConstraint(constr,.1, .1))

    return constr_list

def callback(x,_): # not important, only debug info
    print(get_neg_subgaus_coeff(x, mu))
    return False

def get_solution(mu,n):
    constraints = get_constraints(n) + [NonlinearConstraint(lambda f: get_expectation(f,mu), 0, 0)]
    return minimize(get_neg_subgaus_coeff, np.zeros(n)-1, args=(mu),jac=grad_neg_subgaus_coeff, method="trust-constr", bounds=[(-100, 100) for _ in range(n)], constraints=constraints, tol=1e-8, options={"maxiter":1000, "disp":True}, callback=callback)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mu = my_mu(n)
    sol = get_solution(mu,n).x

Now, the problem is that when the optimization finishes (with "xtol termination condition is satisfied." and "constraint violation: 8.33e-17"), it gives me the following solution

[-0.93668183 -0.63135599 -0.35261352 -0.54613932 -0.52013279  0.21760397
  1.25553898 -0.48837217 -2.04095876 -2.14095876]

which clearly does not satisfy the conditions produced by get_constraints which say that two adjacent elements of the array may differ by at most 0.1.

It behaves the same (it only runs slower) when I remove the Jacobian. There are several similar-sounding questions on stack overflow but those are about SLSQP and do not seem to be very relevant.

Any ideas why this is the case? Or how to solve it?


  • I think this related to a well-known "feature" of lambdas. If you look at:

     flist = [lambda x: x+i for i in range(3)]

    then when executing:

      [flist[i](1) for i in range(3)]

    you may expect [1+0,1+1,1+2] = [1,2,3]. However, you will see:

      [3, 3, 3]

    Basically, there is just one lambda in this setup (or rather: late binding at end of loop).

    One possible fix is:

     from functools import partial
     flist = [partial(lambda x,j: x+j, j=i) for i in range(3)]
     [flist[i](1) for i in range(3)]

    This will show: [1,2,3].

    When applying this technique to your problem, we can write:

    def get_constraints(n):
        flist = [partial(lambda f,j: f[j]-f[j+1], j=i) for i in range(n-1)]
        return [NonlinearConstraint(flist[i],.1,.1) for i in range(n-1)]

    Now the solution looks like:

    x: array([ 0.49289571,  0.39289571,  0.29289571,  0.19289571,  0.09289571,
       -0.00710429, -0.10710429, -0.20710429, -0.30710429, -0.40710429])

    Conclusion: nothing to do with the solver, but rather with a misunderstanding of how lambdas work.

    PS. To be precise this is due to "late binding closures" (the same thing can happen without the use of a lambda function, but there is where I typically see this behavior). See