I'm migrating a project from ionic 3.2 to 5.14, and I'm having trouble using observables instead of events.
In the original code, after the user logged in, I changed the name and image of the sidemenu through events:
this.events.publish('user:login', this.nomePrimeiro, Date.now());
this.events.publish('image:login', this.imagem, Date.now());
and on app.component.ts I wrote this:
events.subscribe('user:login', (user, time) => {
Global.nomePrimeiro = user;
events.subscribe('image:login', (image, time) => {
Global.imagem = image;
How to change this for Observables? I will need a service?
Create event service. In the EventService.ts:
export class EventService {
private dataObserved = new BehaviorSubject<any>('');
currentEvent = this.dataObserved.asObservable();
publish(param):void {
For publishing the event from example page1:
constructor(public eventService:EventService){}
// or
this.eventService.publish({name: 'postupdate', value: 'value you need to pass'});
In page 2:
constructor(public eventService:EventService){
// here you can get the data or do whatever you want or data.name or data.value