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Location service which allows creating and modifying data with REST API

I was wondering if there is a REST API where I can create/update/delete data. For example, what I would like to do is to create a pin on the map or save favorite place I find on the map through REST API.

Google Maps had this feature before but it is deprecated as from this post:

I was going through Google Maps API and can't see this option, also I've checked HERE maps API but it doesn't seem to provide this.

Is there any API where I could do this, basically send POST/PUT/DELETE requests to check how maps/location service works?


  • I've found out that ArcGIS provides what I need, I can add/update/delete points (or layers as they call it) on the map with REST API.

    In case anyone else gets stuck with same problem, here is the article where it's nicely explained how to do this: