I read some info about LOBYTE being a macros to extract low byte, but what I see there is something totally weird. It looks for me like setting value to a function -_- I am not pro reverse engeneer and doing it, because I don't have other options left.
So some algorithm read file byte-by-byte. Somewhere it do
fread(&third_block_first_zero_byte, 1u, 1u, hd6_file_ptr);
then later it do
LOBYTE(third_block_first_zero_byte) = 0;
So... what the hell it do? Extracting low byte from a single byte variable... ouch... that hurts my brain.
The two lines of code are unrelated.
fread(&third_block_first_zero_byte, 1u, 1u, hd6_file_ptr);
The fread function in this case returns a single element from a file object stream located in memory ('hd6_file_ptr' is a pointer to the stream).
LOBYTE(third_block_first_zero_byte) = 0;
Above line just retrieves low-order Byte from value currently stored within 'third_block_first_zero_byte' variable & reassigns it value zero.
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