I am trying to implement backpropagation from scratch. While my cost is decreasing, gradient check yields a whooping 0.767399376130221
. I've been trying to figure out what's wrong and managed to slim down the code to these few lines:
def forward(self,X,y):
z2 = self.params_l1.dot(X.T)
a2 = self.sigmoid(z2)
z3 = self.params_l2.dot(a2)
a3 = self.sigmoid(z3)
loss = self.cross_entropy(a3,y)
return a3,loss,z2,a2,z3
def backward(self,X,y):
n_examples = len(X)
yh,loss,Z2,A2,Z3 = self.forward(X,y)
delta3 = np.multiply(-(yh - y),self.dsigmoid(Z3))
delta2 = (np.dot(self.params_l2.T,delta3))*self.dsigmoid(Z2)
de3 = np.dot(delta3,A2.T)
de2 = np.dot(delta2,X)
self.params_l2 = self.params_l2 - self.lr * (de3 /n_examples)
self.params_l1 = self.params_l1 - self.lr * (de2 / n_examples)
return de3/n_examples ,de2 /n_examples
It is a simple (2,2,1) MLP. I'm using cross-entropy as the loss function. I am following the chain rule for the backprop. I suspect the problem may lay in the order in which i take the products, but i have tried every which way and still had no luck.
I managed to get a difference of 1.7250119005319425e-10
by computing delta3
just through yh - y
and no further multiplications. Now I need to figure out why this is.