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How can I exclude rest-auth endpoint from the Django built-in API documentation?

To hide the endpoint in the Django documentation just @schema(None) has to be added for example to GenericAPIView, however I have a problem with these two urls:

url(r'^rest-auth/', include('rest_auth.urls')),
url(r'^rest-auth/registration/', include('rest_auth.registration.urls')),

I am not able to add @schema(None) decorator because I do not have declared views for these urls. Any ideas how to work it around?


  • The solution that I came up with:

    (vf, app_name, namespace) = include('rest_auth.urls')
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.LoginView)
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.LogoutView)
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.PasswordChangeView)
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.PasswordResetConfirmView)
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.PasswordResetView)
    vf.LoginView = schema(None)(vf.UserDetailsView)
    (vf_registration, app_name_registration, namespace_registration) = include('rest_auth.registration.urls')
    vf_registration.RegisterView = schema(None)(vf_registration.RegisterView)
    vf_registration.TemplateView = schema(None)(vf_registration.TemplateView)
    vf_registration.VerifyEmailView = schema(None)(vf_registration.VerifyEmailView)
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^rest-auth/', (vf, app_name, namespace)),
        url(r'^rest-auth/registration/', (vf_registration, app_name_registration, namespace_registration)),