Search code examples

odoo 13 create domain from a custom field in `sale.subscription`

hi am new to odoo development, this may be something simple but I can't figure it out

I added a new field subscription_tier to the sale.subscription model

class subscription_tire_set(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.subscription'

    def _compute_subscription_tire(self):
        # code for computing

        n_subscription.subscription_tier = result 

    subscription_tier = fields.Char(string='Subscription Tier', readonly=True, compute='_compute_subscription_tire')

In my custom model, I added

    def onchange_test_domain_fiedl(self):
        obj =[])
        available_ids = []
        for i in obj:

        return {'domain': {'user_name': [&,|,('id', 'not in', available_ids),(('subscription_tier','=','tier_i'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_ii'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_iii'))]}}

    user_name = fields.Many2one('sale.subscription', string='Name')


  • Instead of using multiple OR on one field, you can use domain in operator so the following domain:

    ['|', ('subscription_tier','=','tier_i'),'|', ('subscription_tier','=','tier_ii'),('subscription_tier','=','tier_iii')]  

    Can be reduced to :

    [('subscription_tier','in', ['tier_i', 'tier_ii', 'tier_iii'])]

    Computed fields are not stored by default, they are computed and returned when requested. Setting store=True will store them in the database and automatically enable searching. searching on a computed field can also be enabled by setting the search parameter.

    Try to set subscription_tier store attribute to True to enable searching.