I have made the following code to create and drag letters, sorry if it is very dirty, but I am just learning AS3, I need you to help me complete the code to delete the created letters and restart the animation, with a button.
LetraA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrastrarA);
function arrastrarA(event: MouseEvent): void {
var LetraA_1 = new letraA;
LetraA_1.x = 72.15;
LetraA_1.y = 316.45;
LetraB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, arrastrarB);
function arrastrarB(event: MouseEvent): void {
var LetraB_1 = new letraB;
LetraB_1.x = 170.35;
LetraB_1.y = 316.45;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, soltarletras);
function soltarletras(event: MouseEvent): void {
Resetear.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eliminarhijos);
function eliminarhijos(event:MouseEvent):void
"I need help here please"
There are several ways about it. It depends on what you have and can and cannot do there which one to use.
Way №1. You can have a separate container for all the letters and clean up exactly that container.
// Before your code.
var TheABC:Sprite = new Sprite;
// Inside the letter creation methods.
// I do hope you do not have 26 separate functions for that.
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// So, the finale is very simple.
function eliminarhijos(e:MouseEvent):void
// Remove all the children at once.
// If, by any chance, you have a VERY old Flash
// below Player 11, the one above won't work so
// you would have to resolve to the one below.
// Proceed while there are children at all.
// while (ThABC.numChildren)
// {
// // Remove the firstmost child.
// TheABC.removeChildAt(0);
// }
Way №2. Enrollment list. You keep a list of things you need to remove.
// Before your code.
var ABClist:Array = new Array;
// Inside the letter creation methods.
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// Finally.
function eliminarhijos(e:MouseEvent):void
// Iterate over the listed letters.
for each (var aLetter:DisplayObject in ABClist)
// Removes each of the listed letters, one by one.
// Clear the list.
ABClist.length = 0;
Way №3. Tagging. If for any impossible reason any of the above doesn't suit you, you can name these letters in a specific way so you can filter them from other objects.
// Inside the letter creation methods.
// ...
LetraA_1.name = "LETTER";
// ...
// ...
LetraB_1.name = "LETTER";
// ...
// Finally.
function eliminarhijos(e:MouseEvent):void
// Iterate over all children. Backward loop, because if you
// remove something, the whole body of children shifts down.
for (var i:int = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var aChild:DisplayObject = getChildAt(i);
// So you have a criteria to figure out if it is a letter or not.
if (aChild.name == "LETTER")
Way №4. Into the weird. If none of above works for you, there's still a way to separate the letters from other objects there.
// You need to list all the classes of your letters here.
var LetterBox:Array = [letraA, letraB];
// The clean up.
function eliminarhijos(e:MouseEvent):void
// Iterate over all children. Backward loop, because if you
// remove something, the whole body of children shifts down.
for (var i:int = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var aChild:DisplayObject = getChildAt(i);
// Now iterate over all possible letter classes
// to figure out if the given child belongs to any of them.
for each (var aClass:Class in LetterBox)
// Match criteria.
if (aChild is aClass)