In Kohana 3.1.x framework.
What are the benefits to send data with internal requests like this
$post = Request::factory('module/data')
->post(array('some' => 'random data'))
if you could simply send data like this
Module::instance()->data(array('some' => 'random data'));
In this example Module
is a random module and data
is some random method.
I'll call this Module
via ajax and internal requests. I'm planning to design RESTful API.
QUESTION IS: Why use HMVC instead of just directly using an internal class API
Because they're internal requests, there is no additional HTTP request being made.
You might want to take a look at Request_Client_Internal and compare it to Request_Client_External. After that you should feel enlightened :)
You should know that AJAX requests aren't the only "external HTTP requests". cURL, PECL HTTP, file_get_contents() and other PHP functions will also send an external HTTP request (imho you should read the RFC 2616 to understand how HTTP actually works).