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How to do svn checkout using ansible

Is there a way to checkout the whole directory from svn using Ansible?
Below play checks the content of that directory out, but I would also want the directory itself to be checked out.
So do I have to create the directory first and then checkout the content?

Basically my question is about checking out the content and directory my-1.0.0 in /home/ansible/temp/deploy/.

 - name: Checking out the Ansible Playbook for the current Release in the Release directory
   delegate_to: localhost
     repo: svn://build.test/my-devops-mvp/branches/my-{{my_release_version}}
     dest: '/home/ansible/temp/deploy/'
     in_place: yes

I am passing the variable my_release_version as a command line parameter and, in SVN, under branches, I have a structure like:

  • my-1.0.0
  • my-1.0.2
  • etc.


  • TL;DR;

    Your fix is to actually add your desired folder in the dest parameter, because subversion will create the folder for you if it does not exists yet:

        dest: /home/ansible/temp/deploy/my-{{ my_release_version }}

    The Ansible subversion module actually acts exactly as the subversion checkout command.

    svn checkout URL[@REV]... [PATH]

    In the Ansible module, what you feed in the parameter repo in the argument subversion is calling here URL[@REV]... and the parameter you feed in dest is what they call here PATH.

    In that essence, you will note that the PATH you are checking out to when using that command, can but does not forcibly have to exist.

    For example:

    /tmp # ls -lR
    total 0
    /tmp # svn co svn-logo
    A    svn-logo/subversion_logo_notxt-16m.png
    A    svn-logo/subversion_logo_notxt-48m.png
    A    svn-logo/subversion_logo_notxt-32m.png
    Checked out revision 1877849.
    /tmp # ls -lR svn-logo/
    total 12
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           237 May 17 10:36 subversion_logo_notxt-16m.png
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           292 May 17 10:36 subversion_logo_notxt-32m.png
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           348 May 17 10:36 subversion_logo_notxt-48m.png

    Also note that you can even create a full directory structure, even if it does not exists there.

    /tmp # svn co 1.0.X/notes/logo/16-colour
    A    1.0.X/notes/logo/16-colour/subversion_logo_notxt-16m.png
    A    1.0.X/notes/logo/16-colour/subversion_logo_notxt-48m.png
    A    1.0.X/notes/logo/16-colour/subversion_logo_notxt-32m.png
    Checked out revision 1877850.

    So, as I said earlier, what hold true to the subversion commands, also holds true for the Ansible module.

    Given this playbook:

    - hosts: local
        release: 1.0.x
         - name: svn co
             repo:{{ release }}/notes/logo/16-colour
             dest: /tmp/{{ release }}/notes/logo/16-colour
             in_place: yes

    I end up with the play:

    / # ls -lR /tmp
    total 0
    / # ansible-playbook play.yml -i inventory.yml 
    PLAY [local] *********************************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************************************************
    ok: [local]
    TASK [svn co] ********************************************************************************************
    changed: [local]
    PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************
    local                      : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
    / # ls -lR /tmp/1.0.x/notes/logo/16-colour
    total 12
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           237 May 17 10:33 subversion_logo_notxt-16m.png
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           292 May 17 10:33 subversion_logo_notxt-32m.png
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           348 May 17 10:33 subversion_logo_notxt-48m.png