Here is some code:
import tkinter.ttk as _ttk
import tkinter as _tk
class QEntry(_ttk.Widget):
def __init__(self, master):
super(QEntry, self).__init__(master, "ttk::entry", {"class": "QEntry", "style": "QEntry"})
def init(widget=None):
flat = "flat"
s = _ttk.Style()
s.theme_create("QUI", "default")
s.layout("QEntry", [('Entry.highlight', {'border': 0,'sticky': 'nswe','children': [('Entry.border', {'border': 0,'sticky': 'nswe','children': [('Entry.padding', {'sticky': 'nswe','children': [('Entry.textarea', {'sticky': 'nswe','border': 0})]})]}), ('', {'sticky': 'nswe','border': 0,'children': [('Entry.padding', {'sticky': 'nswe','children': [('Entry.textarea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]})]})]})])
s.theme_settings("QUI", {"QEntry": {"configure": {"padding": 4},"map": {"relief": [("active", flat),("focus", flat),("!disabled", flat),("disabled", flat)],"background": [("active", "#00afaf"),("focus", "#6f6f6f"),("!disabled", "#6f6f6f"),("disabled", "#8f8f8f")],"bordercolor": [("active", "#00afaf"),("focus", "#00afaf"),("!disabled", "#6f6f6f"),("disabled", "#5f5f5f")],"foreground": [("active", "#ffffff"),("focus", "#ffffff"),("!disabled", "#afafaf"),("disabled", "#5f5f5f")],}}})
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = _tk.Tk()
root.wm_minsize(200, 150)
frame = _tk.Frame(root)
entry = QEntry(frame)
frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
The Entry isn't editable or clickable. Why?
The QEntry(...)
class is a subclass of _ttk.Widget
The init(...)
is the initialization for the style / layout.
I found it, to do this you only need to change the value of the class
key to TEntry
in class QEntry(_ttk.Widget):
import tkinter.ttk as _ttk
import tkinter as _tk
class QEntry(_ttk.Widget):
def __init__(self, master):
super(QEntry, self).__init__(master, "ttk::entry", {"class": "TEntry", "style": "QEntry"})
def init(widget=None):