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Why is my controller being called twice from an email link

Been struggling with this for hours.

This is a core 3.0 app.

It emails an activation link. I then pick up that email in my inbox and click on it.
This link is:

It then emails me a confirmation message 9#by calling that view). But it does this twice. What is weird is that if I copy and past this url from 1 browser to another I just receive the expected 1 confirmation email.

The only difference I can see is that the safelink stuff add si removed from copying and pasting that link. ie:

I do not know how to debug this?


  • I have just come across this situation. It has taken me a few days to track down. I have a link within an outlook message and I wrote code to make sure it was not called twice. This code was activated the first time I called it. Eventually I realised that the email client must be calling it twice. I'm going to have to write a work around.

    I'm glad I found it. It was driving me mad!

    I would consider this to be an outlook bug.