I need some help with this project. I cannot find the command to wrap text (fill box without line breaks) that I input into the widget. What I want to do get rid of line breaks when I push the 'wrap' button. What I want to do is fill the box with text and get rid of the line breaks and wrap the text within the box.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import scrolledtext
import textwrap
window = Tk()
window.title("Welcome to Text Wrap app")
txt = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(window,width=50,height=20)
btn1 = Button(window,text='Clear', command=lambda: txt.delete(1.0,END))
btn2 = Button(window,text='Wrap', command=lambda: textwrap)
btn1.grid(column=4, row=15)
btn2.grid(column=8, row=15)
I'm stuck on btn2.
You can try this:
def doit():
data = txt.get('1.0', END).replace('\n', ' ')
txt.delete('1.0', END)
txt.insert(INSERT, data)
btn2 = Button(window,text='Wrap', command=lambda: doit())