Here's a sample of the data I'm trying to flatten:
location = [{'id': 225,
'country': 'US',
'country_code': 'US',
'country_population': 327167434,
'province': '',
'last_updated': '2020-05-06T11:33:46.184263Z',
'coordinates': {'latitude': '37.0902', 'longitude': '-95.7129'},
'latest': {'confirmed': 1204351, 'deaths': 71064, 'recovered': 0},
'timelines': {'confirmed': {
'latest': 1204351,
'timeline': {
'2020-01-22T00:00:00Z': 1,
'2020-01-23T00:00:00Z': 1,
'2020-01-24T00:00:00Z': 2}
'deaths': {
'latest': 71064,
'timeline': {
'2020-01-22T00:00:00Z': 0,
'2020-01-23T00:00:00Z': 0,
'2020-01-24T00:00:00Z': 0}
I'm unable to get the timeline for confirmed & deaths in a usable format. I either get a column for each date with this:
data = location,
Or a row with date and no value for the count:
pd.json_normalize(data = location[0]['timelines']['confirmed'])
Desired output is something like:
Thanks in advance; any assistance is much appreciated.
I'm interested in wrangling/reshaping with Pandas and wanted to try a solution via that method. It didn't make sense to duplicate the latest value with each timeline date row so I broke the data into 2 frames: latest & timeline. Still fairly new to this so any feedback/potential improvements are appreciated.
df = pd.json_normalize(data = location, sep = '_')
#list of current state / non-timeline columns
latest_cols = ['id', 'country', 'country_code', 'country_population', 'province', 'last_updated',
'coordinates_latitude', 'coordinates_longitude', 'latest_confirmed', 'latest_deaths',
'latest_recovered', 'timelines_confirmed_latest', 'timelines_deaths_latest',
covid_latest = df[latest_cols]
# remove id & country from latest cols for inclusion w/ timeline
latest_cols = latest_cols[2:]
covid_timelines = df.drop(columns = latest_cols)
# reshape from wide to long
covid_timelines = pd.melt(
frame = covid_timelines,
id_vars = ['id', 'country'],
var_name = 'status_date',
value_name = 'case_count')
# split the timelines value and keep columns with date and type
timeline_cols = covid_timelines.status_date.str.split('_', expand=True)
timeline_cols.columns = ['timelines', 'case_type', 'timeline', 'str_date']
timeline_cols = timeline_cols.drop(columns = ['timelines', 'timeline'])
#add split cols back to covid_timelines
covid_timelines = pd.concat([covid_timelines, timeline_cols], axis=1)
# string to date and drop the dup date column
covid_timelines.status_date = pd.to_datetime(timeline_cols.str_date)
covid_timelines = covid_timelines.drop(columns = 'str_date')
#pivot death & confirmed from rows to cols
index = ['id', 'country', 'status_date'],
columns = 'case_type',
values = 'case_count' )