I'm new here and try to seek some expertise to help to create a google apps script.
I have a spreadsheet and want to export the header and the new added row value to csv file and save it into my local c drive and send an alert email with column B value as a subject.
eg. spreadsheets has 14 columns and I would like to export start from column 2 to csv with values like: "column2 value; column3 value; column4 value; column5 value; column6 value; .....column14 value "
Below is my description workflow :
So everytime when people filled up the value in the google forms and press submit, i will received a new row value in a google sheet. Then i will export the header and the latest row value to csv file into my local c drive and send an alert email with column B value as a subject.
Much appreciated if some expertise can help me on this. Thank you so much. :)
See if this helps you:
We'll assume you have the spreadsheet configured as follows:
In the illustrated example below, you want to save as CSV file the headers (Orange) along with the last row submitted (Green)
When you access the script you'll change the following:
// Example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXaTto1ktqX0XNKQ035897FGX5tV75o7wuYHiNCOqEFfI/edit#gid=1269457815
// In this link the ID of the Spreadsheet is everything after /d/
// which is: 1kXaTto1ktqX0XNKQ035897FGX5tV75o7wuYHiNCOqEFfI
// THE ID of the sheet Temp would be something like: 1269457815
// ---------- Menu ----------
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('CSV File')
.addItem('Step 1: Email CSV', 'EmailRange')
.addItem('Step 2: Save CSV file', 'showurl')
// Choose how do want to export the: csv,pdf,xlsx
function EmailRange() {
// Enter Sheet ID in between ""
var sheetId = "ID GOES HERE";
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetId);
var sheet=ss.getSheetByName("Responses");
// You can set up the headers beforehand
var temp = ss.getSheetByName("Temp");
//Copy range onto Temp sheet
var rangeToCopy = sheet.getRange("A"+(ss.getLastRow())+":N"+(ss.getLastRow()));
// It will erase any previous data
rangeToCopy.copyTo(temp.getRange(2, 1));
// Temporarily hide the sheet
var params = {method:"GET",headers:{"authorization":"Bearer "+ ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}};
var url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/"+ss.getId()+"/export?format="+EXPORT_TYPE;
//Fetch URL of active spreadsheet
var fetch=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,params);
//Get content as blob
var blob=fetch.getBlob();
var mimetype;
}else if(EXPORT_TYPE=="csv"){
}else if(EXPORT_TYPE=="xlsx"){
// OP: send an alert email with column B value as a subject
var subject = sheet.getRange("B"+(ss.getLastRow()));
var timestamp = sheet.getRange("A"+(ss.getLastRow()));
var Title = subject.getValues();
var signature = timestamp.getValues();
//Change Email Recipient underneath
'Job ID: '+Title,
'Hi there,' + '\n\n' + 'A new entry has been submitted, please find the details in the attached CSV file.' + '\n\n' + 'Submitted on: '+signature,
attachments: [{
fileName: Title + "."+EXPORT_TYPE,
content: blob.getBytes(),
mimeType: mimetype
//Reshow Response sheet
function showurl() {
// Enter Spreadsheet ID after d/ and the TAB ID of Temp after gid=
var htmlOutput = HtmlService
.createHtmlOutput('Click here <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ID GOES HERE/export?format=csv&gid=TAB ID GOES HERE">My File</a> to download')
.setWidth(250) //optional
.setHeight(50); //optional
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Download CSV File');
STEP 1: Sending an email to the defined recipient in the script with the subject being the value of the last row in column B, and the signature the submission date & time, like this:
The CSV file will be attached to the email:
STEP 2: From the CSV File Menu which is created when opening the spreadsheet:
Save file to your Local desktop: